It’s the time of year when builders and homeowners are finalizing new home construction and remodeling plans. How much of a priority is air sealing and energy efficiency when planning your new home or remodeling project?
Investing in air sealing and other energy efficiency measures has huge payoff for homeowners and builders.
- Increased comfort. Owning a home is one of the biggest investments an individual can make. With this level of financial commitment, homeowners are keenly aware of “problems” with their home — temperature inconsistencies, mechanical performance, etc. — that can affect comfort or create concerns. Sealing air leaks helps increase comfort inside the home, creating peace of mind for the homeowner and a happier customer for the builder.
- Improved indoor air quality. When a home is not air sealed, pollutants, moisture and pollen can enter through penetration points in the home’s envelope (points that naturally exist as part of the construction process). Sealing air leaks helps keep pollutants out of the home. This is especially important to homeowners who have asthma or allergy issues, or have a family member who does.
- Air sealing easiest during construction! While it is possible to seal air leaks in an existing home, it is much easier to seal air leaks during construction when walls and other cavities are open. Why put off air sealing when it can be done today?
- Increased home value. Studies show energy efficient homes sell at a price premium – as much as 4% above the national average. This means a homeowner benefits at the time of sale from investing in air sealing and other energy upgrades. The builder also benefits from being positioned as a contractor who builds energy efficient homes.
- Tax credits and financing options. There is financial assistance available for energy efficient investments through tax credits or rebates, and through energy-efficient financing (including an energy efficient mortgage/EEM). Check with your lender for more information.
Interested in learning about air sealing your new home or remodeling project? Our team can recommend the right solution for your project. Contact our office today!