Looking to build (or own) a home that is efficient and comfortable? The key is airflow, and we have building science to thank.
Control Airflow for Home Ventilation in Baltimore, MD
Airflow is a key component of the study of building science. When a building has improper airflow, it can impact both the building and its residents. Improper airflow can result in a variety of problems including mold growth, energy loss, and can encourage the infiltration and spread of pollutants. When airflow is properly managed each of these can be reduced, and the home’s HVAC system can operate more efficiently.

There are two common types of building airflow. Uncontrolled airflow is the type many people are familiar with. Years ago, uncontrolled airflow was also known as having a “leaky” home. Uncontrolled airflow is when air enters and leaves the home in a random fashion. This type of airflow doesn’t work in conjunction with the HVAC system, which can impact both energy use and home comfort.

On the other type is controlled airflow. This is when airflow is managed in a way that works with the home’s HVAC system. Sealing air leaks and adding mechanical ventilation allows airflow to be controlled to create a comfortable and efficient home environment.

Have questions about your home’s ventilation and overall energy efficiency? Contact our office to speak with one of our insulation professionals.